Start Your Browtastic Journey With Mari B!

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Your Favorite Permanent Makeup Artist of the Treasure Coast

Vive Brow Studio is a Premier Permanent Makeup studio located in Jensen Beach next to Forever 21 at the Treasure Coast Mall, perfectly snug between Port St Lucie and Palm City Florida.

Transform Your Look with Expert Permanent and Semi-Permanent Makeup Services

Unlock the beauty potential you’ve always desired with our expert permanent and semi-permanent makeup services. Our studio offers a comprehensive range of techniques designed to enhance your natural beauty and simplify your daily routine. From advanced brow techniques to striking eyeliner and lash enhancements, we provide tailored solutions to meet your beauty needs.

I specialize in various permanent and semi-permanent makeup techniques, ensuring you receive a customized look that suits your style.

My Studio Offers:

Machine Hair Stroke Technique

Experience the precision of our machine hair stroke technique, which mimics the fine lines of microblading. This method is perfect for those looking for natural, fuller-looking brows that last longer than traditional microblading.

Ombre Brows

Ombre brows create a soft, gradient effect that transitions from a lighter shade at the front to a darker shade at the tail. This technique offers a more filled-in, powdery look, ideal for clients seeking a bolder brow.

Combination Brows

For the best of both worlds, our combination brows technique merges the hair stroke method with shading, giving you a defined yet natural appearance. This approach is perfect for anyone wanting brows with depth and dimension.

Enhance Your Eyes with Permanent Eyeliner and Lash Line Enhancements

Accentuate your eyes with our sultry permanent eyeliner and lash line enhancements. These techniques add definition and depth to your eyes, eliminating the need for daily application of eyeliner.

Permanent Eyeliner

Our permanent eyeliner service delivers perfectly applied eyeliner that stays put, giving you a polished look from the moment you wake up. Choose from subtle, natural lines to more dramatic styles to suit your preference.

Lash Line Enhancements

Enhance your lash line with our delicate lash line enhancement procedure. This technique subtly darkens and thickens the appearance of your eyelashes, making your eyes look more defined without the obvious look of traditional eyeliner.

Perfect Your Brows with Expert Lamination, Tinting, and Waxing

Achieve the brows of your dreams with our expert brow lamination, tinting, and waxing services. These treatments ensure your brows are always on point, framing your face beautifully.

Brow Lamination

Our brow lamination service tames unruly brows, setting them in place for a sleek, uniform look. This treatment is ideal for anyone wanting fuller, more symmetrical brows without the need for daily grooming.

Brow Tinting

Enhance the color and definition of your brows with our tinting service. Brow tinting adds depth and richness, making your brows stand out and perfectly complement your facial features.

Brow Waxing

Shape and sculpt your brows to perfection with our professional brow waxing service. Our precise technique ensures clean, defined lines that highlight your natural brow shape.

Experience the Artistry of Beauty Transformation

At our studio, we believe in the transformative power of expertly applied makeup. Our artists are dedicated to helping you achieve a look that enhances your natural beauty and boosts your confidence.

Book Your Free Online Consultation Today

Ready to transform your look? Book an appointment with us today and discover the artistry of your beauty transformation. Unlock your potential and embrace the convenience and elegance of permanent and semi-permanent makeup.

Whether you're looking for flawless brows, striking eyes, or a complete beauty makeover, our expert team is here to help you shine. Don't wait any longer – your perfect look is just an appointment away!

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Appointment Deposits: 

At Vive Brow Studio, we understand the importance of commitment and respect for both our valued clients and our dedicated team. To ensure fairness and availability for everyone, we have an appointment deposit and cancellation policy in place.

When you book your appointment, we kindly request a $50 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot. This deposit demonstrates your commitment and allows us to allocate the necessary time and resources to provide you with the exceptional service you deserve. Please note, depending on your procedure, it may take anywhere from 1-3 hours and that time is marked off and scheduled just for you. We pride ourselves on meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to quality. The $50 deposit will be deducted from the total cost of your initial service and the remaining balance will be due on your appointment day prior to the service. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Cancellations Policy: 

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we will handle each situation with care and empathy. Permanent Makeup Procedures are time-intensive services. In the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly ask for at least a 48 hour notice. This allows us to offer the appointment slot to another client. If notice is given to the attending artist/technician no less than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment a refund of your deposit may be granted or applied to a re-scheduled appointment within 60 days of your initial booking date. Any appointments not held within 60 days of initial booking will forfeit the deposit.
*Please note that deposits are non-refundable for cancellations made less than the specified 48 hour notice period.

*Please note that deposits are non-refundable for cancellations made less than the specified 48 hour notice period.

Late or No-Show Policy:

If you find yourself running late, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate you within a reasonable timeframe, understanding that unforeseen circumstances can occur. However, please understand that arriving significantly late may result in the need to reschedule as these procedures are time-intensive.

In the unfortunate event of a no-show, where you miss an appointment without prior notice, we deeply regret that we cannot refund any deposits made or recover the time reserved for you. You will need to schedule a NEW appointment in which 50% or FULL PAYMENT of service will be required at time of booking. A $50 DEPOSIT IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE.

We want to ensure that all our clients receive the exceptional service they deserve, and no-shows hinder our ability to accommodate others who may be eagerly awaiting our services.

If you encounter such circumstances, please reach out to us as soon as possible, and we will work with you to find a solution that is fair and respectful to all parties involved.

By adhering to our appointment deposit and cancellation policy, you contribute to the smooth operation of our studio and enable us to continue delivering exceptional services to all of our clients.

Touch Up Appointments: 

Touch-Ups must be performed within 60 days of original service booked with Vive Brow Studio technicians/artists only, anything beyond this timeframe will be subject to full price and will forfeit the discounted touch-up price. 

*We offer our Touch-up/Color Boost service to existing clients who's original service was completed by Vive Brow Studio or its technician/artist. If you have had previous brow work done by another artist outside of our studio please email us at to see if we can perform your service as deposits are non-refundable. 

We value your trust and appreciate your understanding. At Vive Brow Studio, we are committed to providing you with an exceptional beauty experience that leaves you feeling radiant and confident.



Q: What is permanent makeup, and how does it work?

A: Permanent makeup is a revolutionary technique that enhances your natural features by implanting pigments into the skin using specialized tools and precise artistry. Whether it's eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip color, permanent makeup allows you to wake up every day feeling effortlessly radiant.

Q: Will the procedure be painful?

A: We understand that the thought of any discomfort can be daunting. However, our dedicated team prioritizes your comfort throughout the entire process. We utilize advanced numbing techniques and topical anesthetics to minimize any potential discomfort. Rest assured, your experience will be as gentle and soothing as possible.

Q: How long does permanent makeup last?

A: Although it is called permanent makeup, it is a semi-permanent procedure designed to last for an extended period, giving you the freedom from daily makeup application. However, individual factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and sun exposure can affect the longevity of the results. Typically, touch-ups are recommended every 1-2 years to maintain the desired intensity and freshness of your permanent makeup.

Q: Is permanent makeup safe?

A: Your safety is our utmost priority. We adhere to strict hygiene and sanitation standards, following industry best practices to ensure a safe environment for our clients. Our pigments are of the highest quality, hypoallergenic, and FDA-approved. Our experienced artists are extensively trained in sterile procedures, minimizing any risks associated with the treatment.

Q: Can permanent makeup help with specific eyebrow concerns?

A: Absolutely! Whether you have sparse eyebrows, uneven growth, or have lost them altogether, our eyebrow services can address your specific concerns. We have techniques that can recreate the appearance of natural hair and restore symmetry to your brows. Witness the transformation as we work with you to achieve the brows you've always dreamed of, boosting your confidence with each stroke.

Q: What should I expect during the healing process?

A: After the procedure, it is normal to experience some mild redness and swelling. Your permanent makeup will go through a healing process, and the true color will gradually emerge. It is crucial to follow our aftercare instructions provided to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results. We'll give you everything you need to support your healing journey.

Q: Do you still have to maintain cosmetic brow tattoos?

A: Cosmetic brow tattoos do require regular grooming such as waxing or threading to control the natural brow hairs and keep the overall shape of your new brows nice and tidy. While the initial procedure provides semi-permanent results, over time the pigment may fade or change color over the years due to factors such as sun exposure, skin type, and individual variations in the healing process.

To maintain the desired appearance of cosmetic brow tattoos, individuals may need touch-up sessions. These touch-ups involve adding more pigment to the brows or adjusting the shape to ensure a consistent and pleasing look. The frequency of touch-ups varies from person to person but is typically recommended every 2-3 years.

It's important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the technician who performed the procedure and to protect the treated area from excessive sun exposure, as UV rays can contribute to fading. Additionally, using gentle skincare products and avoiding abrasive treatments in the brow area can help prolong the longevity of cosmetic brow tattoos. Regular maintenance is key to preserving the quality and appearance of the tattooed eyebrows over time.

Q: Can I still wear regular makeup after getting permanent makeup?

A: Absolutely! Permanent makeup is designed to enhance your natural beauty, but it does not restrict you from wearing additional makeup if desired. In fact, many of our clients enjoy the convenience of waking up with beautifully defined features and then adding their favorite makeup products for special occasions or when they want to experiment with different looks. 

Q: How long will the procedure take at the appointment? 

A: The duration of the procedure will vary depending on the specific service and your unique needs ranging from one hour to three hours. While we understand that time is valuable, we also believe in dedicating the necessary attention to ensure exceptional results. At Vive Brow Studio, we prioritize quality over speed. 

Q: Will permanent makeup look natural?

A: Of course! Gone are the days of the thick black McDonalds arches above our eyes. Our goal is to create a look that enhances your natural features and complements your unique beauty. Our artist has a keen eye for detail and an artistic touch that ensures your brows appear seamless and natural. However, if you want that defined and filled in makeup look, we will accommodate your request. We also take into account factors such as your skin tone, facial structure, and personal preferences to achieve results that are both stunning and authentic. 

Q: What if I'm not sure about the specific look I want?

A: It's completely normal to feel uncertain about the exact style or shape you desire. Our experienced artists are not only experts in their craft but also compassionate listeners. We will take the time to understand your preferences, assess your facial structure, and offer expert guidance. Together, we will collaborate to create a customized look that suits your unique personality, ensuring you feel comfortable and elated with the final result.

Q: What are some Skin Contraindications to Permanent Makeup Service?

A: We recommend you consult with your healthcare provider regarding any concerns or questions about the permanent makeup procedure, especially if you have specific medical conditions or if you are currently under medical treatment.

Some contraindications may include but are not limited to: 

Ingrown hairs and open bumps, Eczema, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Psoriasis, AIDS, Hepatitis B/C, Lupus, Diabetes, Pink eye, Active herpes simplex, Moles, Warts or Raised areas, Sickle cell, Hemophilia, Keloids, Deep wrinkles in Brow area giving brows uneven appearance, Hair Transplant, Extremely thin or sensitive skin, Tanned or Burned skin, Have facial/body dysmorphic disorder, Open or healing wounds in area of procedure. 

Q: Are there any Precautions and Aftercare?

Pre-procedure instructions may include avoiding certain medications, alcohol, caffeine, and blood-thinning substances. If you follow the post-procedure aftercare instructions provided by the technician, including proper cleaning, application of ointments, and avoiding certain activities this will certainly help in the healing process. These may include but not limited to: Use of Accutane a year prior to service, use of Retinol within three months of PMU procedure, use of any eyelash or eyebrow growth serums. 

Q: Are there any risks involved?

We understand that considering any procedure, no matter how beneficial or exciting, can bring about concerns and questions about potential risks. Your safety and well-being are our utmost priorities, and we take every precaution to minimize any risks associated with permanent makeup. 

Your safety and well-being are our top priorities at Vive Brow Studio. We take every precaution to minimize risks associated with permanent makeup. Prior to the procedure, we conduct a thorough consultation to ensure that we understand your medical history, allergies, and any specific concerns you may have. Our artists follow strict hygiene protocols and use high-quality, hypoallergenic pigments. While complications are rare, minor redness, swelling, or tenderness may occur temporarily. These are normal and typically subside within a few days as your skin heals. Adhering to our aftercare instructions is crucial to ensuring proper healing and minimizing any potential risks. 

We want you to feel confident and informed as you make the decision to enhance your natural beauty with permanent makeup. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding risks, we encourage you to discuss them during your consultation. We are here to provide you with the information, guidance, and peace of mind you need to embark on this transformative beauty experience.

Unleash Your Beauty Potential Today!

We hope these answers have addressed your concerns and ignited your excitement for the world of permanent makeup. Our team at Vive Brow Studio is here to guide you on this journey towards unveiling your true beauty. Book your consultation now and let us help you rediscover the joy of effortless radiance every day.


At Vive Brow Studio, we are not just in the business of creating beautiful brows and features; we are in the business of empowering women. We believe that every woman deserves to feel confident, beautiful, and valued. It is our honor and privilege to be a part of your journey toward self-discovery and self-love. 

Vive Brow Studio is the go-to destination for individuals seeking top-notch permanent makeup services in Stuart, Palm City, and Port St Lucie, Florida. As a beauty expert, we specialize in creating stunning semi-permanent eyebrows using advanced techniques. 

Our passion lies in empowering women to unlock their true beauty potential and restore their confidence through the transformative art of semi-permanent makeup and brow styling. We understand that perfectly shaped eyebrows can do wonders, not only enhancing your appearance but also boosting your self-esteem.

We have dedicated ourselves to the artistry of brow design, offering a range of services that are tailored to your unique features and personal style, from nanoblading, also known as machine hair strokes technique, the revolutionary method of enhancing eyebrows by meticulously implanting pigments with a pen-like machine to mimic natural hair strokes. We also offer the popular ombre brow technique, which creates a soft, shaded gradient effect for a more defined look.

For those who desire a combination of different brow styles, our talented artists can create the perfect combination brows tailored to your preferences. Whether you prefer a bold and dramatic appearance or a softer, more natural result, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.

To complete your brow transformation, we provide exceptional brow lamination services. This innovative technique helps redefine your natural brow shape, giving them a fuller, more defined look. Our brow tinting and waxing services further enhance your brows, ensuring they are perfectly groomed and beautifully framed.

Our mission is to create brows that reflect your individuality, enhancing your natural beauty in a way that is both subtle and striking.

We understand that beauty is not just about the physical aspects; it's about how you feel inside. Our team is not only trained in the latest techniques but also has a deep understanding of the emotional impact that well-crafted brows can have. We take the time to listen to your desires, fears, and aspirations, ensuring that we create brows that not only complement your facial structure but also make you feel like the best version of yourself.

When you step into our studio, you will be greeted with warmth, care, and a genuine desire to help you achieve your beauty goals. We believe that the journey to self-confidence starts with a nurturing and supportive environment, where you can feel comfortable expressing your desires and sharing your concerns. Our team is here to guide you through the process, answering your questions and offering professional advice every step of the way.

We take immense pride in the quality of our work and the happiness of our clients. Seeing the joy and newfound confidence on our clients' faces when they catch a glimpse of their beautifully designed brows is what fuels our passion. We are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations, using only the highest quality products and maintaining the strictest standards of hygiene and safety.

At Vive Brow Studio, we believe that beauty is not just a surface-level concept; it runs deeper, affecting how you perceive yourself and how you interact with the world. We are honored to be a part of your beauty journey, and we look forward to helping you rediscover your inner confidence and radiate beauty through meticulously crafted brow artistry.

Ready to wake up to the perfect brows every morning? Come and experience the Vive Brow Studio difference. Book your brow transformation today and let us help you unveil the beauty that lies within you.

Why Choose Vive Brow Studio?

At Vive Brow Studio, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results and providing a comfortable, luxurious experience for our clients. Here's why you should choose us:

  • Expert Artist: Our highly skilled and certified artist has years of experience in the beauty industry. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques to ensure you receive the best results. 

  • Personalized Approach: We understand that every client is unique. Our artist will take the time to listen to your preferences and tailor their services to suit your individual needs, ensuring you leave with brows that perfectly complement your features.

  • Premium Quality: We use only top-of-the-line products and tools to deliver exceptional results. Our pigments are safe, long-lasting, and designed to match your natural brow color.

  • Hygienic Environment: Your safety is our top priority. We follow strict hygiene protocols and maintain a clean and sterile studio environment, giving you peace of mind during your visit.

Schedule your appointment today with Vive Brow Studio. Or call/text us at 754.300.1950 to book your Free Consultation and take the first step towards achieving the brows you've always dreamed of!

We look forward to unlocking the beauty potential of your eyebrows at Vive Brow Studio.


Empowering Beauty Through Art

Mari Benning is an esteemed permanent makeup artist who has been a devoted enthusiast of the beauty industry for more than two decades. Her journey is marked by exploration, as she ventured into various career paths, but her unshakable love for beauty ultimately led her back to where it all began. Her unwavering dedication to enhancing natural beauty and empowering women has made her a revered figure in the field.

At the age of 18, driven by her dream of someday owning her own salon. Mari Benning enrolled in cosmetology school in New York. With a deep-rooted passion for the art of beauty she completed her schooling in the sunny state of Florida, where she embarked on her career in the beauty industry. It was here that she first discovered her affinity for the transformative power of makeup. Here is where she honed her skills in various facets of the beauty industry. 

What truly sets Mari apart is her commitment to empowering women through her work.

She believes that "beauty isn't just skin deep; it does more than just create superficial change; it has the power to restore a woman's inner confidence, especially after her womanhood has been challenged or compromised."

Mari's mission is to help every client feel their best, allowing their inner radiance to shine through her meticulous artistry.

Throughout her career, Mari Benning has tirelessly pursued excellence and innovation. She has amassed a multitude of certifications in permanent makeup procedures, staying at the forefront of industry trends and techniques. Her extensive background in skilled artistry, expertise in makeup, deep knowledge of color theory, and permanent makeup techniques, combined with her wealth of experience, guarantee that each client receives a tailored, top-tier service.

Mari's dedication goes beyond her studio. She actively participates in community events and workshops, sharing her story with aspiring entrepreneurs and women seeking to attain their dream. Her positive impact on countless lives resonates with those fortunate enough to have experienced her transformative artistry.

Join Mari on an inspiring journey to rediscover your inner glow and unveil the most magnificent version of yourself.



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